Food and Nutrition Services is committed to providing healthy school meals and snacks to the students of San Diego Unified in order to support student academic success and promote healthful eating habits that lead to lifelong positive nutrition practices.
School meals are served to students under the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. Meals and snacks are also served through the United States Department of Agriculture's Seamless Summer Option and the Child and Adult Care Feeding Program. Following the nutrition guidelines prescribed by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, we serve whole-grain rich products; low fat and fat free milk; 100% fruit and/or vegetable juices; and a variety of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables.
To view the menu click here & follow the instructions to view the LJHS Menus.
For more information & an application for the Free & Reduced-Price Meals or for Meal Payment Options, including online payments, click here.