What is PowerSchool?
PowerSchool is a web-based tool that enhances communication between parents, teachers and students by providing access to student information from home, work, or from any remote location with Internet access. Parents can view:
- School news
- Student schedules
- Attendance data
- Homework assignments
- Report cards and progress report
What do I need to login?
Parents need to create their own account on parent portal. You have to create your own unique ID and password for this account. In order to tie this account to your individual student, you must have the student's Access ID and Access Password to enter. Please contact Mary Wood for access at [email protected]
I forgot my password. What should I do?
Powerschool has a "having trouble signing in" link directly on the PowerParent portal. You are encouraged to follow these steps first to reset your password. If you are still having trouble, you may come into the front office or send an email to the Student Information System Technician.
To learn more about the PowerSchool Parent Portal, please view the following:
Students can also access their grades via the student portal.
For PowerSchool Parent Portal help, please contact Mary Wood, Student Information System Technician at [email protected]